Preston Arts Center, located in Louisville, Kentucky, held their 8th annual Materials and Methods Expo last month. The two-day weekend event gives customers a chance to try out art materials and get a better understanding of how to use them.
As people came in, they were greeted and signed up for door prizes. No one was left out! “Children were given a present so that they would not feel bad that they could not sign up,” Kathy Brennan mentioned. Preston Arts Center kept the prizes coming and continued to draw a few names every hour.
In addition to hourly prizes, workshops and demos were continuous throughout the event.
For $15 customers could sign up for a 1.5 hour art experience, led by an expert, with supplies included. Manufacturers were represented either by a distributor, an independent rep, local artist, or a staff member from the manufacturer. Included in the lineup:
- Ecoline by Justin Vining, Royal Talens Artist
- Stillman & Birn by a local artist Lloyd Kelly
- POSCA, MABEF, Masterpiece by MacPherson’s Account Manager Tim Dugan
- Marabu Marbling & Ecoline by Kathryn Cahill, SLS
- Jacquard Products by Jacquard Artist Lynn Busch
- Richeson Pastels and Craftech Plein Aire Boxes by Daran Bair
- Pentel & Princeton by Scott Hammer and Local Artist Paul Reynolds
- Connoisseur Brushes, Graham Paints & Bee Paper by James Goodridge
- Gamblin Paints by Local Artist Wini Harrison
- GOLDEN Paints & Sakura by KC Eddy
- GOLDEN Paints by Preston Arts Education Director Dawn Johnston
- Touch Markers by Local Artist Justice Naim
- Faber-Castell by Don Colley
Congratulations Preston Arts Center on another successful Expo!