Make room in your 2020 demo schedule for staff-led Liquitex demos!
We know store demos encourage foot traffic and engage customers, leading to more positive in-store experiences while driving purchases. Managing these demos with staff instructors allows for flexibility in scheduling, plus the additional benefit of helping train staff on key product lines.
Liquitex has put together lesson plans and videos to give retail staff members the tools they need to perform demonstrations in an engaging and meaningful way.

Staff can watch the training video and then print the lesson plan to keep with them during the demo as guidance or as a customer handout. Staff-led demo tools are available now for Liquitex Acrylic Gouache, Soft Body Acrylic and Pouring Mediums:
- Geometric Painting with Liquitex Acrylic Gouache: Video & Lesson Plan
- Color Mixing with Liquitex Soft Body Acrylic: Video & Lesson Plan
- Liquitex Pouring Medium: Video & Lesson Plan
The videos and lesson plans are available on MacPherson’s Brand Connect under Brand Partners, Brands K through N, Liquitex and then Demos. They are also available on Colart’s The Bank, searchable using #LQXStaffLedDemoTools.