Happy holidays from the Art Dog Team. It’s been an exceptionally ruff year, and we wanted to share our well-wishes with our readers. We conjured our own Art Dogs, both real and imagined, to share with you.
Dog Days, Arty Projects
When Senior Graphic Designer Tali Even-Kesef began to sketch a dog to share on the blog, her son Eli joined in, sketching Tali sketching the dog… and to add an extra layer of meta, he even included a drawing of her photo reference (her phone screen!)

The finished art project is both adorable and indicative of how families at home are more tightly knit now than ever before: if an adult starts in on a creative project, curious kiddos are likely to join in!
Account Manager Cassie Brehmer created a little clay doggo; while slightly exasperated with all that 2020 has thrown at us, this pup is still smiling. Creating a model of canine bud to get us through the final stretch of this year is an imaginative and therapeutic way to utilize that modeling clay you’ve been meaning to try out!

Delta: A Happy Addition
One of our team members got a new dog this year! Senior Merchandise Manager Cathy Denny drove over 700 miles from California to Utah and back to bring home the newest addition to her family, Delta. She and her family saw him on Petfinder; he was pulled out of a home by animal services after the neighbors reported the owners for maltreatment. He ended up in a kill shelter but the rescue jumped in and found a foster for him! Cathy reached out to the rescue on Wednesday night, spoke to the foster family Friday morning, left town on the spur of the moment to get him Friday afternoon, and got a hotel on the border of Utah, just before midnight. Saturday morning, the foster drove over two hours to meet them in the hotel parking lot: after forty minutes of playtime with their other dog, Q, the deal was sealed!

Art Dog Memories: Rusty
Pandemic times have Copywriter Catherine Monahon reminiscing, going through old photo albums and keepsakes. She found this picture of her childhood dog, Rusty. Half Golden Retriever, half Irish Setter, he was wholly amazing. While he would obediently sit and wait when told, his tail could be heard thwapping eagerly throughout the house. His classic look (apprehensive, eyebrows raised, yet patiently and loyally waiting to see what happens next) is a mood we can all relate to.