Golden Artist Colors and the Golden Foundation for the Arts were so pleased to welcome the 3 Scholastic Art Educators this year, after holding off the residency program in 2020. Wendell Jeffery from New Jersey, Janice Yang from Oregon and Lucas Thomas from Colorado all arrived in mid-July, to dive into a two-week residency program complete with studio and living space, workshops from the Material Specialists at Golden Artist Colors and of course, an unlimited supply of GOLDEN Acrylics, Williamsburg Oils and QoR Watercolors.
Wendell, Janice and Lucas were chosen from a talented pool of 220 visual art teachers who applied for this opportunity based on their commitment to their personal art practice as well as their teaching careers.
We treat them as artists while they are here, honing in on their personal artwork and practice, but their commitment to their students always peeks through as they are learning something in the studio or workshops. Lucas relayed while he was here that he is always pushing his students to try things – ‘don’t be afraid to fail’ – but then not always practicing this in his own studio. While at the Golden Foundation Residency, he was able to experiment and play with materials that were new to him. He realized over the two weeks that he needed to listen to his own advice, given to his students. Having access to all of the materials and given the guidance and tools from the Material and Application Specialists at Golden Artist Colors allows for the freedom to try, test and play that not many residency experiences offer.
Lucas Thomas:
Janice Yang:
Wendell Jeffery: No website currently
Scholastic Art and Writing Awards:
To learn more about the Golden Foundation Residency Program, please visit
‘Breaking Glass’ 2021 Exhibition

Broken, 2021, 18” x 24”, Watercolor on Panel | Artist: Lynn D. Pratt
‘Breaking Glass’ is a group exhibition on view at The Painting Center in New York City opening on September 7, 2021 and running through October 2, 2021. The show showcases watercolor artists on the forefront of developing modern techniques to present their watercolor artwork in a permanent fashion, without the typical glazing so common in watercolor. For centuries, watercolor artists have struggled for recognition of their medium as equivalent to other mediums in importance, stature, and value.
The exhibition, which is sponsored by Golden Artist Colors, Inc., and was curated by artist Laurin McCracken with support from The Painting Center, features ten watercolor artists who are recognized through their memberships in national watercolor societies and multiple awards for their work, as well as being represented in significant public and private collections.
Artists featured in the exhibition are Laurin McCracken, TX (; Rance Jones, TX (; Michael Holter, VA (; Matthew Bird, MD (; Lynn Pratt, VT (; Thomas Bucci, Wash., D.C. (; James Maria, PA (; Iain Stewart, AL (; Frank Spino, FL (; and David Stickel, NC (
The show will be on view from September 7 through October 2, 2021 at The Painting Center, 547 West 27th Street, Suite 500, New York, N.Y. An opening reception will be held on September 9 from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. and the public is invited to attend. Please note that appointments are recommended but not required and can be made on The Painting Center website at All visitors must wear masks at all times as well as maintain a six-foot distance. A full color catalog of the paintings in ‘Breaking Glass’ will be available.
To learn more about ‘Breaking Glass’ and to see artwork featured in the show, visit For more information about Golden Artist Colors, go to
GOLDEN Promotional Period Changes:
Reminder, the QoR Watercolors promotional period ended on 7/31 so all QoR products not featured as a part of the current “Studio Elements” portion of FBTS are back to our standard MAP of 30% off.
Likewise, our Fall Back to School period is now active so all Williamsburg and Golden Acrylic products are at an adjusted MAP of 40% off.
When adjusting prices for promotions, please ensure you’re using the new prices which took effect on 7/26/2021.
Titanium White and Carbon Black are elemental in many artist’s studios. In this recording of a live demonstration and Q&A, we explore GOLDEN blacks and whites, how they might impact color, and why one might choose one over another.
Soft Gel Gloss vs. Light Molding Paste –
Watch Stacy Rosende, GOLDEN Education Program director, as she mixes each product with Phthalo Green (Yellow Shade) (PG36) in Fluid Acrylic, shows the difference between the two products, the wet to dry shift of each, and the effects different combinations and applications of paint and medium can help you achieve.
There is so much to say about Light Molding Paste! –
This opaque, light and fluffy medium holds peaks, and allows you to create thick, impasto effects without weighing down your canvas. It’s a paint extender, and it’s compatible with all GOLDEN paint lines.
Mixing Summer Botanicals with Williamsburg Oils –
This month for Williamsburg, we’re looking at mixing summer botanicals. In this video watch as Greg Watson, GOLDEN Materials Specialist, mixes up color for a “Custard Candy” daylily using Bismuth Vanadate Yellow (PY184), Provence Violet Reddish (PW6, PV19), Montserrat Orange (PW6, PO73, PY154, PV19), and Titan Buff (PW6, PY42, PR101).
Join Golden Artist Colors on Social Media!
Summer may be winding down but we have 🔥 colors to share with you in September.
This month, we are looking at Cadmiums in the QoR Watercolors line and our STUNNING Series 8 colors for Williamsburg. On GOLDEN, we’ll swatch out colors in each of the five acrylic paint lines we offer (Heavy Body, Fluid, OPEN, High Flow, and SoFlat).
We also have three live events this month including introductions to the new QoR Mini on our QoR channels and the new Modern Mixing Set on Williamsburg. These events are recorded so you can watch at your convenience if you’re unable to join us live.
You can view our complete video schedule for June and download a shareable PDF by clicking here.
To watch videos and events, just visit the appropriate channel on the dates/times listed on the calendar. We hope you’ll join us! Happy painting!
Golden Artist Colors, Williamsburg Handmade Oil Colors, and QoR Watercolors
@goldenpaints, @williamsburgoilpaints, and @qorwatercolors
If you have any questions about any of the above information, contact your MacPherson’s Sales Representative.