Featuring DANIEL SMITH Extra-Fine Watercolors, including PrimaTek™ and Luminescent™
Have fun painting your choice of whimsical seaside images this summer – a seashell, a sea turtle, a group of tropical fish – or try all three! Explore techniques like blending colors and working wet-on-wet to give your work more depth and interest that you might not realize you can achieve with these beautiful limited palettes.
- Seashell
Bronzite Genuine owes its gorgeous sheen to thin strands of iron oxide in this naturally occurring mineral. The warm, honey color fades to soft sand in washes. The texture of your shell will seem to paint itself as this pigment granulates on the page, displaying areas of darker color amongst areas of mineral luster. Bronzite will travel into pre-wet areas of your paper, combining with the other colors for exceptional special effects.
Hematite Genuine is the ultimate choice for granulation. This intriguing color is milled from a heavy metallic black mineral, rich in iron oxide. A simple wash is a show from start to finish – as the pigments settle into water on the page, the heavier, darker particles pull together in areas of rich, dramatic graphite. The lighter particles settle above this granulation, displaying a warm dove gray.
Potter’s Pink is a delicate dusky rose. This romantic pigment is sweet and subtle, making an ideal counterpoint to the other colors. Perfectly suited to the soft shade of pink found in seashells, this pink will also find its way into your florals, landscapes and portraits. Its granulating quality adds texture and its non-staining attributes allow you to remove and rework this paint for highlights on your shells.

- Sea Turtle

Green Apatite Genuine has a marked sedimentary quality that adds interesting texture and depth. At full strength, this rich olive tone is deep and mysterious. Add water for a wash that settles into the page with layers of ruddy brown, overlaid with a sap green mineral shade. Truly unique, this color is perfect for turtles, trees and more.
Mummy Bauxite is a warm, rust-tinged brown that looks natural, but never dull. Made from iron oxides, this semi-transparent pigment has a higher degree of clarity than Burnt Sienna (which it closely resembles). Useful in the turtle’s shell and shading, this granulating watercolor is wonderful mixed with Green Apatite Genuine for a range of natural shades.
Cobalt Teal Blue is a cheerful turquoise that compliments the earthy nature of the other colors. Try it as a light wash for a radiant summer sky or use it in the water and waves of your turtle study. Moderate granulation and low-staining qualities make this paint perfect for blurring the edges of sea foam and waves. Temper its brightness by adding a touch of Mummy Bauxite for a natural robin’s egg blue.

- Tropical Fish
Isoindoline Yellow is highly pigmented and nearly orange at full strength. Use as a wash for glowing, semi-transparent passages of color. Smooth, even-handling properties make this watercolor ideal in mixtures and for large areas of solid color. Try mixing with Quinacridone Magenta for a brilliant orange. Be bold with a shimmering bright green by mixing with Iridescent Electric Blue.
Quinacridone Magenta is a regal red that’s popular with many watercolorists. This smooth, transparent pigment creates flawless washes with a gem-like glow. A slight blue bias gives it complexity and richness. Use full-strength for a dark red-violet or reveal the radiance of Quinacridone colors by adding water for a gorgeous wash.
Iridescent Electric Blue is a color that lives up to its name. One of the brightest watercolors available, this pigment brings dazzling shine. Add sparkle to your underwater landscape with a wash of this luminescent blue. In mixtures, use it in place of your primary blue hue for clean colors with a hint of shimmer.