Williamsburg Artist Oil Colors is offering a Neutral Grays Set based on the Munsell Color System. Neutral Grays allow the artist to adjust the value and chroma of any color without altering its hue. Neutral Grays range from N2 (darkest) to N8 (lightest). Together they produce balanced value “steps” for mixing with other colors. Colors in the new Williamsburg Neutral Grays set can be blended with all Williamsburg Artist Oil Colors to achieve differences in color values. Included in the set is one – 37ml tube each of Neutral Gray N2, Neutral Gray N4, Neutral Gray N6 and Neutral Gray N8.

Painting with Neutral Grays
Neutral Grays Set based on the Munsell Color System helps you adjust value and chroma of any color without altering hue. Take a quick look at the creation and use of neutral gray colors within the Williamsburg palette and explore neutralizing colors while preserving value using the Munsell color system as well as Grisaille, the practice of underpainting in grayscale then applying color glazes.
Find the Munsell data for every color in the Williamsburg palette here.
Golden Artist Colors Updating Recommendations for Painting Oil Colors Over Acrylics
Don’t panic, but we’ve updated our recommendations for painting oil colors over acrylics. You can read more about the recent testing and results that are prompting this change in the article we recently shared on JustPaint.org – https://bit.ly/OilsOverAcrylics and watch our live event at https://www.facebook.com/goldenartistcolors/videos/367386498528517

“Keep it Kind” Billboard Contest Winner Announced
This is the 2nd year that Golden Artist Colors has co-sponsored this competition with Colorscape Chenango Arts Festival, for all high school students in Chenango County. The 2022 winner of the billboard art competition is Madison Parker of Unadilla Valley High School, who created the image for the theme, “Keep it Kind.” Her work was chosen from among 54 submissions from Chenango County high school students. Her art will be displayed on a full-size billboard in Norwich, NY, this summer.

New Products Launching Summer 2022!
As of Monday June 6th, 2022, we are accepting initial orders for our 2022 new product launches. Timing for these launches is as follows:
- Williamsburg Neutral Grays Set: Available in July 2022.
Williamsburg Neutral Grays Set allows artists to create full-value grisaille paintings with the addition of black and white.
- QoR 6 x Half Pan sets: Ships Summer 2022
Expanding the reach of our most popular set format, the 4 new, six color sets offer new and unique colors in ultra-portable palette tins.

- Golden High Flow Acrylics Expansion: October 2022
37 NEW COLORS deliver even more breadth and versatility to artists.

JustPaint.org – This Month We Highlight Some of Our Most Visited Articles that Feature Oil Color and Mediums!
Williamsburg Wax Medium
Williamsburg Textured Acrylic Grounds for Oil Painting
Glazing with Acrylics, Oils and Watercolors
2023 Golden Foundation Artist Residency Applications Open!
The application for the 2023 season of the Golden Foundation Artist Residency is OPEN! We are trying out the use of the popular application software, SlideRoom for the first time this year, so thanks for bearing with us as we work out the bugs. We are looking forward to meeting the 18 artists that will be selected to attend in 2023!
If you have any questions regarding the application process, please reach out to us at contact@goldenfoundation.org
Please check out our video series, highlighting the artists who attended the program last year as well as this year’s residents. https://www.goldenfoundation.org/residency/current-residents/

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