We have created an advertising guide and several ad images to aid retailers in their advertising efforts of our QoR, OPEN, Heavy Body, and Fluid expansions. There are also ads available for the 2023 SoFlat expansion and the QorR Ali Cavanaugh Portrait Set. If you need assistance with advertising, please reach out to GOLDEN Marketing by emailing acapozza@goldenpaints.com to schedule a consultation. New colors are now shipping!
View and download advertising guide and images here.
View and download QoR swatches and videos here.
View and download Fluid videos here.
View and download Heavy Body videos here.
New from JustPaint.org
A Guide to Caring for Stain Paintings

Stains, while beautiful, have certain vulnerabilities as a result of how they are built-up. Stain paintings differ from traditional acrylic or oil paintings in that they have no ground layers. The highly diluted paints are soaked into the support, rather than sitting on top of it. Therefore, the canvas substrate becomes an essential part of the aesthetic of these paintings. Stain paintings are generally not varnished in order to preserve their raw, matte appearance. This results in a highly delicate surface that easily accumulates dust, retains fingerprint oils, and absorbs moisture. Proactive care is therefore recommended in maintaining the integrity of these artworks. In the following paragraphs we provide some essential tips from the field of conservation, to ensure their longevity and preservation. These guidelines are for professionals working in the field of collection care, but are good to know for artists working in this style.
Read the article here.
Made in Paint
The Sam and Adele Golden Foundation presents Made in Paint ELEVEN, featuring the artists from the 2023 Golden Foundation Residency Program. The exhibition is now open and will run through June 2024.
Dina Abdulkarim, Miguel Arzabe, Natasha Campbell, Laura Colomb, Jan Dickey, Perky Edgerton, Joy Gerrard, Emily Gherard, Susan Hoffer, Genna Howard, Lynne McDaniel, Carol Prusa, Emma Roche, Alisa Sikelianos-Carter, Debra Weisberg, Jamele Wright, Sr., Haoyun Erin Zhao and Deborah Zlotsky
The 18 artists who attended the residency last year were selected by an independent selection committee tasked with reviewing over 600 applications for 18 residency spots. These artists pushed the boundaries of their work over the four weeks they joined us in Upstate, NY. They experimented with new materials, dove deep into conversations with the Materials & Applications Specialists at Golden Artist Colors and played and discovered new avenues to venture down when they return back to their home studios, for years to come. We hope you’ll join us for our eleventh annual show of Made in Paint!
The application for the 2025 season will open on our website this spring. You can view the artist interview series here.
This month we highlight our content featuring Acrylic Colors and Mediums!
Rethinking Acrylics for Plein Air

Greg from our product support team will take you through the unique qualities of GOLDEN OPEN Slow-Drying acrylic paints and their suitability for painting outdoors (where regular acrylics dry too fast) as well as other advantages of using OPEN for your next painting.
Watch the video here.
Three Fluid Mediums for Altering [Acrylic] Paints

GOLDEN Acrylic Mediums give artists control of transparency, viscosity, and surface sheen of acrylic paints: Gloss Medium [formerly Polymer Medium (Gloss)] is useful for creating glazes, extending colors, enhancing gloss and translucency. It has an oil-like feel and a resinous nature that promotes flow and leveling. It is the best product for blocking Support Induced Discoloration (SID). Matte Medium is a liquid medium for extending color, decreasing gloss, and increasing film integrity. It is also used as a nearly clear ground on canvas or wood instead of gesso. Fluid Matte Medium can also extend colors, decrease gloss, and increase film integrity. It is particularly effective with GOLDEN Fluid Acrylics when decreasing gloss while maintaining consistency.
Watch the video here.
[Acrylic] Soft Gels for Blending, Collage Adhesion, Glazing, and Texture

Soft Gels are thinner than Heavy Body Colors. They can be mixed with acrylic colors to produce a brilliant glaze. Soft gels can be used as a base for wet blending or as an adhesive for collage. Gel Mediums offer many ways to build texture. GOLDEN offers five consistencies from our most viscous Extra Heavy Gel to Soft Gel. Each gel is available in Gloss, Semi-Gloss and Matte finishes. They can be used to create glazes, extend paint and change finishes. Gels are essentially colorless paint, as they use the same 100% acrylic polymers as acrylic paint. Gels are also excellent adhesives for collage and mixed media, they dry with excellent flexibility with chemical, water and UV resistance. Watch the video here.
Three Pumice Gels for Gritty Texture

Pumice Gels dry to hard films. Fine Pumice Gel is useful as a drawing ground. Coarse Pumice Gel and Extra Coarse Pumice Gel create more coarse textures with sand-like pumice granules to yield concrete-like finishes. All GOLDEN Pumice Gels mix well with GOLDEN Acrylic Colors.
Watch the video here.
[Acrylic] Light Molding Paste for Building Texture

More than 50% lighter in weight than GOLDEN Molding Paste, Light Molding Paste is beneficial in creating large artworks and thick layers of material. Light Molding Paste dries to an opaque, matte finish with good flexibility. It is designed to hold stiff peaks for highly textured surfaces and it blends easily with colors.
Watch the video here.
What, Why & How: Painting with GOLDEN Fluid Acrylic Mediums
Let Patti Brady take you through the range of fluid acrylic mediums from GOLDEN, demonstrating how sheen, and consistency can be controlled using these mediums, and the integral role these products play in preparing surfaces for painting and techniques like image transfer.
Watch the video here.
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Golden Artist Colors
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