At most workplaces, bringing Bourbon to work everyday is not acceptable. But when Bourbon is an adorable art dog who inspires everyone at the office, that’s a special case. Bourbon has been coming into the office every day for about a year. Before that he “worked remotely” from home and made the occasional office visit.

“Bourbon happily runs to Gamblin where he clocks 40+ hours every week welcoming painters coming in for a tour and greeting his favorite daily guest, Tommy, our mail carrier. Bourbon also attends most office meetings, though he rarely stays awake for the whole thing. And if he thinks you’ve been sitting for too long he’ll bring you a ball or give you a hug. Bourbon inspires us all to do what we’re good at. For him it’s smiling and making people smile back.”

Do you have an art dog who cheers your team on? Nominate them for Art Dog of the Month! Email us at artdogblog (@)