Joe Cortés has a true passion for art that is clearly expressed through his work. Vivid colors, lines, and shapes help express a story in each one of his pieces. Living on the beautiful island of Puerto Rico has helped influence the style of his art. Continue reading to learn more about Joe’s journey as an artist and what has kept him engaged over the years.
Where are you from and where do you currently reside?
I was born in the USA, but I have been residing in San Juan, Puerto Rico since 1983.

What drew you to become an artist and what do you like about working with acrylics?
At the early age of 4 maybe 5, my older brother John (3 years older) loved to scribble and draw cartoons and I would try my best to imitate his drawings. I quickly realized the benefit of drawing since people, friends and family would compliment me on my drawings and that always felt nice. I decided to learn and master this art the best I could. Time has passed by quickly and here we are 62 years later still learning and doing what I love the most, painting and drawing.
One of the mediums I use is acrylics, it’s a very easy medium to work with and the quick drying of the paint allows me to continue working on the piece as long as I wish.
You can also achieve all kinds of textures or transparencies and have all kinds of fun using acrylics in a clean, safe, fast environment. But the truth is I love all mediums, watercolor, oil painting, ink, and pencil drawing. Any medium that allows me to express my art works fine with me.

How would you describe your style?
I’m a contemporary artist, modern, realistic, but not hyperrealistic art. POP and Urban style lately so I guess I’m constantly evolving with time, people, events music, and politics. Just about everything around me helps me grow, change, and evolve in a way that my style changes a bit. So maybe what I’m saying is that my style is “versatile.”

What has kept you engaged and committed to your craft over the years?
Art is my life, my passion, my entertainment, my reason to exist, to be, who I am, my purpose in life, and my universal language.
How have you grown as an artist in the past five years and what are the major contributing factors to your growth?
How have I grown as an artist? Good question, I believe the fact that I have recently retired from working over 30 years in advertising and design service has allowed me to do what I have always loved, which is painting and drawing. What factors have contributed to this? I would say social media has played an important role since we all have at our disposal such a fantastic source of information, people, other artists with their incredible and inspiring work, evolving music styles, so many cultures, and general information about what is happening all around us by the minute. This is totally amazing and YES very inspiring.

What materials do you most commonly use?
Acrylics, watercolors, oil paint, pen and ink, and pencils.
Can you describe some of your favorite pieces you’ve worked on?
Tough question, since all or most pieces are my favorites. But I have been working lately on a Hispanic POP and Urban Singers Collection that has been lots of fun and colorful. I’m still working on this collection hoping to someday have it exhibited in a gallery or museum to share it with the world.

Do you have any advice for up-and-coming artists? Are there any tips or techniques you can offer?
Advice? Yes, love with passion what you do, remember to learn something new every day, have fun painting or doing your thing, never be afraid to experiment with new things, and practice. Then practice some more and finish that with a little more practice. Respect every style and every artist. Remember, art is a unique and very special universal language that speaks in many ways to everyone willing to listen.
What are your website and social media links?
Instagram: @joecortes2012 or/and @corteswatercolour