Vendor Voices

Golden – Introducing the Williamsburg Color Mixer!

Golden Artist Colors introduces an updated acrylic color mixer and all-new oil color mixer that is free to use! In addition to the improved, more user-friendly and graphic interface, you can now build, save and mix with palettes you create. Create a palette of colors based on what you have in your studio, colors from a class or workshop materials list, or colors you want to explore before adding them to your studio.

Watch a tutorial here.  

Try the mixer here. 

Enjoy Plein Air Season with Williamsburg Landscape Colors Set!

An excellent outdoor palette that allows artists to produce the wide variety of hues, shades, and tints encountered in nature.

Learn more here. 

Williamsburg Artist Oil Colors Overview

Getting the proper pigment is just the beginning. So much of the quality of oil paint is in the grinding. Each color is ground to enhance the beauty and luminosity specific to that particular pigment. 

Watch the video here. 

Williamsburg Neutral Grays Set 

Take a quick look at the creation and use of neutral gray colors within the Williamsburg palette and explore neutralizing colors while preserving value using the Munsell color system as well as Grisaille, the practice of underpainting in grayscale then applying color glazes.

Watch & download the video here.

Check out our article, The Value of Painting with Neutral Grays here. 

ASTM Lightfastness Testing for Oil Paints

Lightfastness is usually reported in a single word or number—a simple answer for artists questioning a color’s permanence. Although lightfastness ratings are straightforward, lightfastness assessment is actually fairly complex, and a variety of factors can influence both laboratory and real-world lightfastness outcomes. To tackle the challenging issue of lightfastness, many artist paint manufacturers, including Golden Artist Colors, use ASTM International’s standards as a framework for lightfastness ratings and testing. The ASTM lightfastness standards comprise ratings for individual pigments in oil, watercolor, and acrylic media, as well as methods for determining the lightfastness of unrated pigments in these media.

Read the full article here. 

Williamsburg Artist Oil Colors – Oil Content by Volume

We have been asked many times over the years to provide oil content information for Williamsburg colors, Extender Medium and Oil Grounds. To answer that request, we have created a chart organizing these products into four categories – Low, Moderate, Medium, and High oil content by volume. We have chosen oil content by volume, because percentage of oil by weight can be misleading, especially with heavier pigments such as cadmiums, iron oxides and lead white. We have also included dry time, as that is a prime consideration when layering colors. The chart is divided into two sections. In the top section, the colors are in order from lowest to highest percent oil content by volume, with the accompanying dry time for that color. The bottom section is organized from fastest to slowest dry time with the oil content for each color.

Read the full article here. 

Painting with Oils on Non-Porous Substrates

With the rising popularity of alternative painting supports such as Dibond®, aluminum panels, acrylic sheeting and polyester films, we wanted to create some initial testing focused on how well oil paints adhere to these and other non-porous substrates without any ground preparation. We looked at several types of substrates, scuffed and unscuffed, with a couple different oil paint applications.

To read the full article, click here.

Golden Artist Colors News & Announcements!

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