High Flow Acrylics are an ultra-thin paint with ink-like consistency that provide incredible versatility. They can go directly from bottle to airbrush, refillable marker or dip pen and work great for drawing, staining, dripping, pouring, calligraphy, and color washes.
High Flow offers a palette that includes many single-pigment colors, as well as Fluorescent and Iridescent colors. While it acts like an ink, it’s an acrylic so it’s compatible with other GOLDEN Acrylic colors and mediums.
Watch & download our High Flow Acrylics video here.
High Flow Airbrush Set

This selection of transparent colors is excellent for producing smooth gradations, highlights, and providing control in building color intensity. Includes: Transparent Benzimidazolone Yellow Medium, Transparent Quinacridone Red, Transparent Phthalo Blue (Green Shade), Transparent Dioxazine Purple, Transparent Phthalo Green (Blue Shade) and Transparent Shading Gray.
Watch & download the video here.
New from JustPaint.org
Mixing with Some New QoR Watercolors

In 2024 we introduced 13 pigment-containing watercolors to the QoR line and 8 Interference and Iridescent paints. We wanted a way to share the potential of these new colors with you in a manner that suggests what it might be like to have one or more on your palette. To provide this information, we decided to focus upon the mixing potential of our new pigmented colors. This article shows and discusses mixing tests where each color was blended with the same three primaries from QoR. Hopefully the tests we share below will give you a sense of what you might find when you discover these colors on your own.
Read the full article here.
Using GOLDEN Artist Acrylics in Masterson Sta-Wet Palettes

Every once in a while we receive inquiries from artists who use our products with Masterson Sta-Wet Palettes, a sealable palette system that keeps acrylic paints workable for days or even weeks by utilizing a wet sponge and permeable palette paper. Some of these artists shared that certain GOLDEN Artist Acrylic colors were changing consistency when used in a Sta-Wet Palette for an extended period of time. While Masterson does not recommend prolonged storage beyond a few weeks, some artists still practice this. After conducting some tests, we have determined that this issue might be related to surfactants. We have also found a simple solution that can help.
Read the full article here.
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