Tools for Texture
Tools for creating texture in painting can be found at any art or craft supply store. Many artists find alternative uses for tools that are not originally intended for art-making. Some artists even make their own! In this demonstration we will explore the effects of various conventional and unconventional tools and the unique textural marks they make with Heavy Body Acrylic, Heavy Body Acrylic mixed with Molding Paste, Williamsburg Oil and Williamsburg Oil mixed with Wax Medium.
Read more here.
Sofft Tools Introduction

Sofft Tools are a new generation of applicators for artists, made from our specially formulated micropore sponge developed for applying PanPastel. Each tool has a unique shape and size, based on artist’s brush shapes. They are versatile, re-usable & easy to clean. They can also be used with water-based artist media.
To watch the video, click here.
Choosing Brushes for Use with OPEN Acrylics

As with any artist material or technique, it is results that count, and brushes are no exception to the rule. Indeed, which brush you choose can play a critical role in allowing these revolutionary paints to achieve their greatest potential.
Read the article here.
Cleaning Brushes Without Solvents

For oil painters who want to reduce the amount of solvent in their studio, we would like to share a solvent-free brush cleaning option that can be used during and after painting. All you need for this process are paper towels and a container with 2-3 inches of drying oil such as linseed, safflower, walnut or poppy oil.
Read the article here.
Acrylic, Oil, and Watercolor Brushes

Brushes carry our paint from the palette to the canvas. They give us control over our marks and assist us in handling paint and mediums. Therefore, brushes are an important tool for any painter and worth looking into deeper. At GOLDEN, we produce paint in three different mediums that require traditional brushes: oils, acrylics, and watercolors. Not every brush is suited for every medium, though. Here we want to explore which brush types are best suited for the respective mediums.
Read the article here.
Blade Applied Translucent Acrylic Grounds

There are many options for acrylic painting grounds. While Gesso is the most commonly used ground, almost any GOLDEN acrylic paint, medium, gel or paste can be used alone or in just about any combination to create a large range of unique surfaces for painting. Brush application can be time consuming as Gesso or other grounds need to be forced into the canvas weave to cover properly. A scrape and spread application using a metal blade tool makes this job much easier. Read the article here.
News & Announcements from GOLDEN!
Fluid & Heavy Body Swatch Videos

In support of the upcoming acrylic colors expansion, we have created swatch out videos for the new Fluid and Heavy Body colors. These can be used on social media as well as ecommerce platforms.
View and download Fluid videos here.
View and download Heavy Body videos here.
Ali Cavanaugh Portrait Set Sizzle Video

In support of the Ali Cavanaugh Portrait Colors Set, we have created a sizzle video to help promote the set. This can be used on social media as well as ecommerce platforms.
View and download the video here.
Williamsburg Tube Images

We have created a number of tube on color images in support of the top selling Williamsburg Artist Oil Colors. These images can be used on social media as well as ecommerce platforms.
View and download the photos here.
New from!
Can I use tape in mixed media works?

Tape is an immensely useful tool for artists and designers. It is a go-to option when masking off areas of a painting or establishing the layout of a design. Masking tapes and Painters tapes
are uniquely designed to offer low tack adhesion and easy release, making them perfect for these applications. That being said, some artists like to use tape as a medium or collage material in their mixed-media art. While this would be considered an off-label use of these products, our Lab decided to test a few commonly used painter’s tapes to see how they hold up to lightfast testing. Below are the methods we used, observations and considerations when using tape within a work of art.
Read the full article here.
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