Liquitex is proud to partner with Sing for Hope, a not-for-profit organization that transforms lives by using the power of the arts to create a better world. Liquitex is Sing for Hope’s 2019 Official Paint Sponsor for their annual New York City piano program. This public art project includes 50 artists who have been chosen to paint one of 50 pianos which are placed in public spaces throughout the five boroughs in June. After their time on the streets each piano is then donated to an under-served area school or hospital. The piano pictured above, painted by Billy the Artist, is shown in the Sing For Hope painting studio. It is heading to the American University of Beirut Medical Center.
Supporting the arts has always been at the heart of Liquitex’s philosophy. This partnership plays an important role in bringing that philosophy to life. The important work Sing for Hope extends globally including a piano heading to Beirut to be donated to the American University of Beirut Medical Center.
Each piano includes a sponsorship plaque.
If you’re in the New York City area June 3-23, 2019, keep an eye out for these inspirational artist designed pianos. To learn more about the organization please visit
Submitted by Liquitex