Above: 9,311 square feet of art supply heaven, according to new owners Sophia Bowman-Albirt and Mary-Ellen Long
Sam Flax Atlanta kicked off 2019 with lots of changes; not only a new location but new owners as well! When faced with the prospect of moving, Leonard and David Flax had decided to close the store…until long-time employees Sophia Bowman-Albirt and Mary-Ellen Long asked if the Flax’s were open to selling. The shop is now located at 1495 Northside Drive. Sam Flax Atlanta and Sam Flax Orlando used to be sister stores, but now are more like “third cousins,” according to Sophia – still in the Flax family, but with different owners!

Their immediate goals as they are moving in: where to put everything?
Long-term, they want to reconnect with the Atlanta art community, partnering with local schools, connecting with the street art scene, art collectives and non-profits. “We’re not necessarily biting off more than we can chew… but we are biting off everything we can,” Sophia explains.
We’re looking forward to seeing how Sam Flax Atlanta re-energizes the art community in their neighborhood this year!