Surface Preparation for Painting & Drawing
A reference page with videos and articles providing tips on preparing a variety of surfaces for painting with acrylics, oils, watercolors, or dry media.
To visit the webpage, click here.
Painting with Oils on Non-Porous Substrates

With the rising popularity of alternative painting supports such as Dibond®, aluminum panels, acrylic sheeting and polyester films, we wanted to create some initial testing focused on how well oil paints adhere to these and other non-porous substrates without any ground preparation.
To read the full article, click here.
Acrylics on Non-Porous Substrates

Many of these supports are non-porous, which further distances them from traditional supports, allowing artists to exploit this and other qualities for interesting techniques and applications that were not possible before.
To read the full article, click here.
Painting on Ceramics with Acrylics

Bisque firing builds structure and strength. These are the best type of ceramics to be used if you would like to apply paint. Bisque fired clay is very porous and it is optimal if the paint soaks into the pores of the bisque fired clay for best adhesion.
To read the full article, click here.
Jules Olitski – Late Works at The Sam and Adele Golden Gallery

JULES OLITSKI — LATE WORKS is an exhibition opening on October 15th, 2022 at the Sam and Adele Golden Gallery on the campus of Golden Artist Colors, Inc. in New Berlin, New York. The exhibition celebrates the 100th anniversary of artist Jules Olitski’s birth in 1922.
The twenty-one abstract ‘Orb’ paintings in LATE WORKS were made from 2000 to 2006 and represent Olitski’s final stylistic investigation. Olitski was an early adopter of acrylic paints for use in his studio practice. In the early 1960s he stained his canvases with liquid acrylics, later he used spray guns to create fields of saturated acrylic color (many of these paintings twenty feet long), and always willing to experiment, he used every available Gel and Molding Paste in his works as they became available.
In the late 1980s Olitski began using GOLDEN Interference Colors to create his dramatic ‘Mitts’ paintings, in which GOLDEN Gels were infused with various Interference Colors and laid on the canvas surface with commercial painter’s mitts.
The ‘Orbs’ are a powerful conclusion to Olitski’s more than seventy years of art-making. His ‘Orbs’ are canvases typically comprising several disc-like hand-applied painted shapes, made often with Pumice Gel or Light Molding Paste. The orb-shapes are suspended over an activated field that was created by blasting Fluid Acrylics with a commercial leaf blower. Notably, the vigor and energetic interplay of pictorial forces in the ‘Orbs’ were made by Olitski in his eighth decade.
A long-time friend of Sam and Mark Golden, Olitski was a springboard for interaction between the GOLDEN Lab and studio for the development of colors and mediums for artist’s use.
Olitski had his first one person show in Paris in 1951 and had more than two hundred one -person exhibitions around the world before his death in 2007.
Golden Artist Colors, Inc. is pleased to present Olitski’s final works in this exhibition, which will run through March 3, 2023. For more information on Jules Olitski and his work, click here.
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