PanPastel Intro Video

PanPastel Colors – professional artists quality soft pastel colors in a unique pan format. Apply with Sofft Tools.
. The pan format means that dry pastel color can be applied like paint. Instant color. Mixable. Erasable. For painting, drawing & mixed media.
To watch the video, click here.
PanPastel Color Range

The PanPastel Color range explained.
To watch the video, click here.
Sofft Tools Intro Video

Sofft Tools are a new generation of applicators for artists, made from our specially formulated micropore sponge developed for applying PanPastel. Each tool has a unique shape and size, based on artists brush shapes. They are versatile, reusable & easy to clean. They can also be used with water-based artists’ media.
To watch the video, click here.
Draw Big with GOLDEN Acrylic Ground for Pastels

Golden Acrylic Ground for Pastels is easy to use, yet it opens a range of creative possibilities for artists to go beyond paper. Like most GOLDEN acrylic gels, pastes, colors and mediums, it can be applied to anything acrylic will adhere to (which is most things), like walls, furniture, unglazed ceramic, plaster, natural and synthetic panels, and even paper. For an artist like Steve, everything is a potential “canvas” – here we’ve transformed a common door panel into a large work of art.
To watch the video, click here.
What, Why & How: GOLDEN Gessos and Grounds

Explore the GOLDEN offering of Grounds, their unique properties and why you would use them for preparing your supports for painting.
To watch the video, click here.
New – QoR Video Shorts!

In support of the QoR Artist Watercolors line, we have created a number of swatch outs that are now available to you. You can use these on social media to promote the product as well as on your ecommerce platform to enhance product listings.
To download the videos, click here.
New – GOLDEN Non-Color Video Shorts!

In support of our non-color products, we have created a number of videos to show the characteristics of these products. You can use these on social media to promote the product as well as on your ecommerce platform to enhance product listings.
To download the videos, click here.
Join Golden Artist Colors on Social Media!
You can rewatch favorite videos and find new ones on all of our social media channels.
Golden Artist Colors
Golden Artist Colors
If you have any questions about any of the above information, contact your MacPherson Sales Representative.